Discover the Answer to the Hip-Shaking Dance NYT Crossword Clue Today!

Discover the Answer to the Hip-Shaking Dance NYT Crossword Clue Today!

Looking for a fun way to keep your brain sharp and active? Why not try the New York Times Mini Crossword? Its short and sweet puzzles make it the perfect way to feed your mind with words and keep your cognitive skills in top shape.

One of the clues in the April 11th, 2023 edition is the “Hip-shaking dance.”

The answer: HULA.

This traditional Polynesian dance is known for its fluid and graceful movements, which involve rhythmic swaying of the hips and arms.

Originally used to tell stories and celebrate important events, the hula has become a beloved cultural icon and a popular dance form around the world.

Today’s NYT Mini Crossword Answers :

To find additional answer clues, you can refer to the NY Times Mini Crossword Answers for April 11th, 2023.

If you’re a fan of crosswords and want to challenge yourself with more clues like this, be sure to check out the NY Times Mini Crossword regularly.

And if you’re ever stumped, don’t worry – you can always find the answer clues online. So what are you waiting for? Start solving those puzzles, and keep your mind sharp and active!

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