Black Teen Shot in the Head After Ringing the Wrong Doorbell - Who Shot Ralph Yarl Full Information 2023

Black Teen Shot in the Head After Ringing the Wrong Doorbell – Who Shot Ralph Yarl Full Information 2023

We at Lacoon are deeply saddened by the recent news of the shooting of Ralph Yarl. Our hearts go out to his family during this difficult time. As a company dedicated to promoting justice and equality, we stand with the community in demanding justice for this senseless act of violence. In this article, we’re going to find out who shot Ralph Yarl.

Black Teen Shot in the Head After Ringing the Wrong Doorbell

Black Teen Shot in the Head After Ringing the Wrong Doorbell

Ralph Yarl, a 16-year-old Black boy, was tragically shot twice in the head by a white man in Kansas City. The incident occurred on April 13th when Ralph was attempting to pick up his younger twin brothers from a friend’s house on 115th Terrace.

Unfortunately, he mistakenly rang the doorbell at a residence on 115th Street instead. According to Ralph’s aunt, Faith Spoonmore, the homeowner opened the door, saw Ralph, and shot him in the head. As Ralph fell to the ground, the man shot him again.

The incident, which occurred on April 13th in Kansas City, Missouri, has sparked outrage and protests across the city. Ralph Yarl, a 16-year-old Black teenager, was shot twice in the head by a white homeowner after ringing the wrong doorbell while trying to pick up his siblings at a friend’s house.

The shooting was officially listed as a case of mistaken identity, but Yarl’s family and protesters are calling it a hate crime.

Who Shot Ralph Yarl

As civil rights attorneys Ben Crump and Lee Merritt have noted, this is yet another example of the systemic racism and violence that Black people face in America.

The shooter, who has not been identified, was taken into custody but released after 24 hours. The incident has been listed as a case of mistaken identity, but Yarl’s family has labeled it a hate crime.

The shooter, who has not yet been charged with a crime, was taken into custody but released after 24 hours pending further investigation. This is unacceptable. We demand justice for Ralph Yarl and for all victims of racial violence.

It is important to note that this incident is not an isolated one. The shooting of Ralph Yarl is just one of many cases of police brutality, hate crimes, and other forms of racial violence that have been perpetrated against Black people in America.

We must acknowledge this fact and work to create systemic change to ensure that all people are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their race.

The Shooting Sparks Outrage

The Shooting Sparks Outrage

The shooting of Ralph Yarl has sparked outrage and calls for justice from the community. Protesters have gathered at the scene of the shooting, demanding the arrest and prosecution of the shooter for what they call a hate crime.

Justice Gatson, founder, and director of Real Justice Network, has stated that Yarl’s case is proof that law enforcement does not adequately protect Black people.

“We cannot and we will not be silent when Black children are under attack,” Gatson said. “As a mother of three children, this enrages me. My son delivers food every morning. And sometimes you go to the wrong address. You should never have to worry that your life will be taken.”

She emphasized that when Black children are under attack, people cannot and will not be silent. Gatson’s words echo the sentiments of many who believe that hate crimes and racial violence continue to be a major issue in America.

The broader issue of hate crimes is also at the forefront of discussions surrounding the shooting. Hate crimes are defined as criminal acts motivated by bias or prejudice based on factors such as race, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Hate crimes not only harm the immediate victim but also send a message of fear and intimidation to entire communities.

The Importance of Taking Action Against Hate Crimes

The shooting of Ralph Yarl is a tragic reminder of the continued presence of hate crimes in America. Hate crimes not only harm individual victims but also create a climate of fear and intimidation within communities.

These crimes are not isolated incidents but are part of a broader pattern of discrimination and prejudice that affects many marginalized groups.

Taking action against hate crimes is crucial in creating a society where all people feel safe and valued. Prosecuting these crimes sends a message that they will not be tolerated and that the perpetrators will be held accountable for their actions. Additionally, increasing education and awareness about hate crimes can help prevent them from occurring in the first place.


At Lacoon, we are committed to doing our part to promote justice and equality for all people. We will continue to support the Black Lives Matter movement and work to create a more just and equitable society for everyone.

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